Domain Services
Granting criteria and prerequisites for fi-domains
Who can apply for fi-domain?
- private persons
- companies
- organizations
- you can also authorize a representative.
A private person applying for fi-domain must:
- be over 15 years of age
- have a Finnish home municipality
- have a Finnish identity number.
What kind of companies and organization can acquire fi-domain?
Listed in Finnish trade-, Association- or Foundation Register:
- companies and private entrepreneurs
- Finnish public bodies, such as state institutions, municipalities and federations of municipalities, churches and congregations
- unincorporated state enterprises
- public corporations and public associations
- diplomatic missions of foreign states. .
Note ! The fact that the holder has been entered into the register of the tax administration, does not give the right to apply for a domain name.
Foreign companies and trademarks:
- Foreign organisations and entrepreneurs can obtain a Finnish domain name by entering a Finnish subsidiary into the Finnish Trade Register.
What can a domain name consist of?
- A fi-domain name can consist of 2 to 63 characters.
- Permitted characters in domain names are, letters a to ö, numbers 0 to 9 and hyphen (-). and also the characters in the Lappish spoken in Finland.
- The domain name cannot start or end with a hyphen.
- The third and fourth characters may not both be hyphens.
- The domain name holder is responsible for that the domain name is not illegally based on a protected name or trademark owned by another party. You can check the registry at: https://domain.fi/info/en/index/hakeminen/mitavoihakea/lainkukaisuudenvarmistaminen.html.
Fi Domain Services